Past perfect simple & past perfect continuous present perfect simple & present perfect continuous 
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The Past Perfect Simple Tense
The past perfect simple tense is used to go further back in time when we are already talking about the past. It can make it clear that something had already happened at the time we are talking about.
Past Perfect Simple Timeline
+ Statements
- Questions Short answer
+ Short answer
- I'd worked ... I hadn't worked ... Had I worked ...? Yes, I had. No, I hadn't. He'd worked ... He hadn't worked ... Had he worked ...? Yes, he had. No, he hadn't. She'd worked ... She hadn't worked ... Had she worked ...? Yes, she had. No, she hadn't. It had worked ... It hadn't worked ... Had it worked ...? Yes, it had. No, it hadn't. You'd worked ... You hadn't worked ... Had you worked ...? Yes you had. No, you hadn't. We'd worked ... We hadn't worked ... Had we worked ...? Yes we had. No, we hadn't. They'd worked ... They hadn't worked ... Had they worked ...? Yes they had. No, they hadn't.
For example:
"I had already done the shopping by the time she came home."
"I was late for work, by the time I arrived the client had already left."
The past perfect simple can be used to show how often something happened in the past.
For example:
I'd visited the city many times before.
For example:
"If I had won the lottery I would have bought a new car." Note: If I had done something I would have done something else.
(Off Topic)
3rd Conditional / Conditional III
Used to express conditions in the past that did not happen. Often used to express criticism or regret with would have, could have or should have.
Uses the past perfect tense:-
(IF Clause) (Main Clause) If I had worked harder, I would have passed my exam. If I had worked harder, I could have passed my exam. If I had worked harder, I should have passed my exam. or...
(Main Clause) (IF Clause) I would have passed my exam if I had worked harder. I could have passed my exam if I had worked harder. I should have passed my exam if I had worked harder.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense



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